Saturday, February 13, 2010

stars in jars

Up until I graduated from high school, I used to love Valentines Day. Those little heart candies with the out-dated, cheesy phrases like "fax me"; the gorgeous bouquets of roses and tulips and lilies; people fluttering around like Cupid himself... I used to have fun with it.

Somewhere between freshman year and now, I've lost all interest and fascination. Maybe it's because I'm around bitter people -- friends who've always abhorred the lovey-dovey couples, detested the constant flirtation and scuttling around for the 'perfect' gifts -- but whatever the case, I find myself scoffing.

I don't know what happened. I've always been a Romantic - you know, the type of girl to cry all over other people's shoulders in the theater during heartfelt chick flicks, the type of girl who always used to stare star-struck at little acts of kindness between men and women. Sure, I think deep down there resides this little Romantic Me...still here, waiting to be swept off my feet... but maybe my eyes have been opened. I feel like if you want something to happen, it's up to you to make it happen.

I don't think people are ever swept off their feet. It just doesn't happen.

Of course I say this, I think this, but a part of me will always be waiting to be carried away into the sunset by my knight, put onto a white horse and galloped away into bliss. If my thoughts betray my heart, than dreams should override the scoffing.

Who knows? I guess I'm waiting for someone to turn my world completely upside down, to maybe, just maybe, be proved wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. It's still completely possible to get swept off your feet. It might not look like you expected it to look like, but it's possible. And someday you will be. Because you're to perfect to not to be.

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