Monday, February 22, 2010


"It's like those lizards you used to throw against trees and squeeze. You thought you were helping them. But you weren't. You were killing them."


"Yeah. And that's what you're doing to your heart. You're slamming it against a tree and then squeezing the life out of it. You're just hurting it. Don't you see?"

"...good grief. You're right."

"I know. Nobody wants a pulpy heart."


  1. This is probably my favorite Wanderlust post to date—even though I have no idea what lizards you are talking about. And if it's not some sort of toy then you are gross, and kinda scary... and probably need some sort of counseling... and a padded room.

  2. Who said it's a conversation that I had?

    Eavesdropping is a fun pasttime, you know.
