I get these strange nudgings every time I'm in/near/fifteen miles away from a pet store. These nudgings could be comparable to a fallen-asleep foot or the tension that comes right before a first kiss.
In my lifetime, I've had (you probably should not hold your breath) in no particular order,
snake, turtle, iguana, dwarf hampster, cat, fat-tailed gecko, 2 dogs, at least 1.5 million fish, and... wow, maybe that's it.
See, I have this issue. I want a pet. All the time. The nudgings come and go in spurts, like cravings for chocolate or fruit, but they are there, prodding. Since I've been back to school, the nudging has been for a kitten. I can't help it. When it rains, all I want to do is walk into my apartment and fall asleep on the futon next to a furry meowing face.
So what do I do about these nudgings, you ask? I buy plants.
Maybe it's this inherent need to take care of something/one other than myself. It's weird. I don't particularly like it, but to deny the nudging...well, actually I should probably just ignore it. It may be time to buy another cactus. Or maybe a fish. Or...maybe I should invest in a farm. Hmm.
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