I leaned my head back against the faculty lounge window, and tried to pick out constellations, to no avail. Michelle and Emily lay beside me, quietly contemplating whatever people contemplate when they look into the faces of stars. The ocean and sky take on a whole new aura when the moon comes out, and I silently scolded myself for not noticing earlier.
The black waves lit up as the moon shimmered, and I wondered aloud if the people at home would look at the same stars four hours later. I felt so relaxed, so peaceful. The waves made a slapping sound against the ship, always restless and unrelenting. I took the pick from my pocket and began to strum my Bouzouki. I picked Titanic, of course. I surely have mastered it by now.
I glimpsed at the sky, and Emily and I sucked in our breath at the same time. A falling star traveled across the open sky and disappeared.
“Quick, make a wish!” She laughed.
And so I did.
The faculty lounge was reflecting oranges and blues and greens off of my glasses, and I turned around to peek in the window. I couldn’t help my obnoxious outburst of laughter. Michelle and Emily turned to peek in the window, too. The faculty must have been having some kind of disco party in the lounge because the bar was full and the center of the lounge had turned into a dance floor. We watched our professors flail their arms and kick their legs and gyrate their hips in ways that no hips should ever gyrate.
“Emily isn’t that your dad?” I giggled.
“No, that’s Liz’s dad!”
“He’s dancing with my mom!” Michelle’s eyes widened and she covered her mouth.
We were talking about our adopted parents, of course. I felt as if I were fourteen and watching a dirty movie. We giggled and threw ourselves on the ground below the panoramic window when we thought a faculty member was looking over at us. Then we would pop our heads up to sneak another peek. It was truly fantastical.
I took my Bouzouki in my arms and began to play Titanic again. Michelle and Emily lay back down. I watched another star fall from the sky and disappear, listening to the waves splash and the faint sound of 80’s rap that seeped through the windows.
It was a glorious night.
Aeriale! Good luck to you and Michelle on the way back! I can't wait to see you both and hear your amazing stories in person... we will so totally have to have a story-telling night :) I miss you both and see you in .... 4 days!!!! <3